Welcome to Adeni An Innovative Housing Consultancy
Welcome to AdeniAn Innovative Housing Consultancy  

The new WHQS Guidance due to be launched later this year will include a specific requirement to assess the environment around homes to ensure they are attractive places to live. The services below will address this issue.

Get ahead of the game and contact Adeni to undertake the surveys, provide Reports and a schedule of suggested improvements

Adeni Introduces two New Services  

Great Places to Live:

An independent survey of existing schemes and a Report to the Landlord identifying health and safety hazards, general conditions of roads, footpaths and communal areas and suggested improvements to create a great place to live which tenants are proud to call home.

Logical layouts:

Adeni will review layout plans and advise on the logic of key design issues such as location and type of open spaces, footpaths and car parking.

Housing Consultancy

Ranging from Business Planning, Risk Management, Researching New Initiatives, WHQS Audit, Site Finding and advice on Section 106 Agreements and PQQ's.

Our key focus is the delivery of task and finish work relating to any aspect of Development  and Asset Management.

We also provide Interim Senior Management cover within Development and Maintenance.


Adeni provides an independent facilitation service to achieve positive outcomes in any area of your business activity. Whether it is a change to staffing structure, Business Planning, Strategy Reviews, exploring New Business innovations or Senior Management and Board Awaydays. Adeni has the expertise to facilitate your events.

Thermal Imaging


Thermal Imaging is an efficient and effective way to assit in the asset management of your properties. It can show inadequate or missing insulation in walls and roofs, identify defects in buildings  before they become apparent to the naked eye and identify moisture in walls, ceilings and floors.

When planning improvement works the use of thermal imaging is essential to target the most appropriate areas and maximise the use of funding. Thermal Images are aslo a great way to demonstrate the success of improvements for Regulation purposes. Our qualified Thermographer is happy to discuss your requirements.

Project Management

The successful delivery of any building project is highly dependent upon ensuring the client has the best project team in place. With Adeni, we provide an extensive breadth and depth of technical expertise, creating quality, innovative, sustainable solutions for clients. Our services include Clients Representative, Project Management, Cost Management and Quantity Surveying, Project Planning and Control and Contractual Matters including Health and Safety.

Each service is tailored to maximise project investments and minimise operational costs. Adeni will also provide Contract Management on behalf of clients

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